“Augmented Reality
is a technology that superimposes a user's real world view with a
computer generated virtual text or image on the user's viewing
screen, monitor, helmet face mask, glasses, goggles, head mounted
display, a window, or an automobile windshield, etc in real-time.”
Virtual text or image can be superimposed on selected objects in the
real world view of the user, where the virtual text or image is about
that selected object.
People in world are busy collecting cartoon characters using their mobile application which is just launched in mid 2016. App uses camera and GPS to super impose a cartoon character on near by scenes in realtime.
From the definition of augmented reality it makes it clear that Pokemon GO is not an Augmented Reality based game. Rather it can be better classified as Geo-location based entertainment.
By simply super imposing characters on user's screen based on GPS coordinates, and integrating them with surrounding to make it feel real is not Augmented Reality. This article is not at all for criticizing Pokemon GO. Adding to that it surely opens lots of door of research in the field of computer science and augmented reality how it can be visualized in future.
Google glasses can be categoried as Augmented Reality device as it floats information of the object which comes in its vicinity. There are some camera apps which showcases the location information based on location and GPS points, that can also be considered as Augmented Reality based camera apps.
There is a term used in Augmented reality world: we call it a perception of reality. The object that is visible from my wearable device is also visible to a person seating next to me. Then both of us will share the real world perception with respect to the reality. This gives wing to Augmented Reality.
There is a term called Mix Reality, which mixes user's personal experience with Augmented Reality world. Moreover, here it is hard to put a line between Mix reality and Augmented Reality so We can not put Pokemon GO in this category as well.
I remember, Ingress has launched some other similar game to pokemon go before 2-3 years but it hardly got user's attraction. With respect to that other game Pokemon GO has already collected a lot of attention of users.
Its Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality or Mixed Reality. Whatever it may be. Who cares???
Go and Pick your Pokemon and Enjoy Playing!!!
Be safe!!! Its a rare game in which people met real accidents.