Monday, June 25, 2018

public provident fund (ppf) vs mutual funds (mf) ppf vs mf 2018

I am showing you 12 years worth of analysis between PPF and Mutual Funds. 

If you invest 1,50,000 INR today then as per current interest rates and descreasing trend observed in PPF interest rates over the past few years due to inflation you might end up with approximately 3.1 lacs after 12 years. 

On the other hand if you invest same amount in Mutual Funds and assumed return in 3 years (ELSS scheme) is 15% plus or minus 5% then over the period of 12 years you will have approximately 2.6 lacs in hand. 

This analysis is as per current market treand and It does not claim any guarantee in genuinity of these numbers. 

Year PPF
Mutual Funds

investment % rate of interest amount
investment % return amount
1 150000.0 7.6 161400.0
150000 15 172500
2 161400.0 7.4 173343.6

0 172500
3 173343.6 7.2 185824.3

0 172500
4 185824.3 7 198832.0
172500 13 194925
5 198832.0 6.8 212352.6

0 194925
6 212352.6 6.6 226367.9

0 194925
7 226367.9 6.4 240855.4
194925 14 222214.5
8 240855.4 6.2 255788.5

0 222214.5
9 255788.5 6 271135.8

0 222214.5
10 271135.8 5.8 286861.7
222214.5 20 266657.4
11 286861.7 5.6 302925.9

0 266657.4
12 302925.9 5.4 319283.9

0 266657.4

As per my personal opinion and experience in long run I see better returns on investment in PPF over Mutual Funds.

Leave your comments for discussion. 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jan 2018 Stocks: picks for the week 3

ITC 274.1 BUY 263 285 2400 82000
PVR 1472.75 BUY 1420 1532 400 74000
REPCOHOME 686.4 BUY 655 720 900 77000
UPL 803.3 BUY 769 840 1200 121000
BATAINDIA 718.5 SELL 745 685 1100 100000
BEML 1516.6 SELL 1605 1405 300 57000
NTPC 172.65 SELL 180 166 4000 86000
PFC 120.6 SELL 126 112 6000 90500

Monday, January 15, 2018

Jan 2018 Stocks: picks for the week

Top 10 Large-cap stock picks

HINDZINC 324.8 BUY 315 339 3200 129200
KOTAKBANK 1021 BUY 989 1060 800 102000
LT 1330.15 BUY 1290 1379 750 125000
MARUTI 9492.45 BUY 9200 10050 75 88500
PIDILITIND 907.95 BUY 877 950 1000 113500
LUPIN 921.35 SELL 966 865 600 70000
MARICO 314.2 SELL 328 298 2600 103000
POWERGRID 197.25 SELL 203 189 4000 99000