Saturday, June 19, 2010


Since last few days I am unable to control my negative thoughts; am completely messed up with all the activities taking place around me at job for the common reasons for not having job satisfaction.

Everyone, with whom I share, understands that the things are going totally wrong but nobody is able to help me out. Even me myself is not able to come out of this worst come worst situation.

Yesterday I shared everything with my nearest friend that these things are getting wrong with me.

I also shared it with some so called friends. In-spite of the fact that I believe "if you share your sorrows with your near and dear ones' it reduces and happiness increases", am not experiencing any change in my mindset. Moreover some friends whom I consider the best are not with me these days due to some usual dispute or their engagements in other duties. I don't know but when they need me I have always been with them and today when I need them they are not able to forget the little dispute or they are not able to Scarify their duties.

I hope I will come out of this as soon as possible and pray that I don't get this much hurt by my near and dear.


  1. Dude, hope you are doing OK. Hang in there buddy, hang in there. Nothing is permanent. You might want to take action until stuff/situation is in your hand.

    You don't know me, but we share the same name.

    -Ankit Desai

  2. thnk you dear... now the situation is not tht worst as it was when i post this...

    yes we do share the same name and happy to see your comment on blog... thnx...thnx a lot
