Saturday, July 1, 2017

Call for papers for FARU 2017

Call for papers for FARU 2017
10th International Built Environment Research Conference
Faculty of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
08th  – 10th December 2017

“Design that cares”
-an inter-disciplinary approach to making built environments efficient and meaningful-

Faculty of Architecture Research Unit (FARU) of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and National Science Foundation (NSF) of Sri Lanka are jointly organizing the 10th international research conference on architecture/built environments in Colombo between 08th – 10th December 2017.  The conference will provide a forum for researchers, academics, practitioners and students in the areas of architecture, built environment, planning, building economics and integrated design.

Authors are invited to submit abstracts written in English within 300 words in areas related to the theme and sub themes of the conference.

Scope and call for papers
FARU 2017 highlights the significance of architecture (built environment) in caring environmental, physical, energy, socio-cultural, and economic concerns and needs, and thus the quality of life of people.  Annual 10th International Conference of FARU in 2017 invites contributions on research and intellectual developments as well as on innovative case studies in the following areas:

Environment and energy
Sustainable building forms (energy efficiency, eco buildings, retrofitting, building performance)
Climate responsive buildings (passive design, indoor thermal comfort, adoptive responses)
Day lighting and active lighting (user perception and green design)
Indoor environmental quality (health, pollution and occupancy)
Renewable energy integration (zero emissions and net metering)
Building simulations and predictions (Building performance)
Adapting to climate change (resilient environments, combating overheating and floods)
Building physics (Heat transfer, passive heating, cooling)

People, socio-cultural and physical context
Social housing and design for people (architecture as a social entity)
Conservation and heritage (challenges and opportunities)
Human systems and patterns (post occupancy, social art)
Colour and perception in space(human behavior, impacts)

Technology and materials
Green design and efficiency (energy and innovations)
Robust use and innovation (detailing and art of tolerance)
Smart technologies (future buildings, urban environments)
Bio-mimicry and sustainability (order and metaphor in nature)

Cost, management and life cycle
Green building practices and green materials (life cycle costing, green rating and sustainability)
Project management and sustainability (energy management, cost management, disaster management)
Construction industry transformation (Entrepreneurship, education, resilience of built environment)
Labour and delivery challenges (legal aspects, risk management)
Lean and lean construction, BIM for construction

Urban environments, planning, urban health and climate
Urban microclimates and outdoor comfort (people, adaptation to climate, climate change)
Planning for future resilience (natural disasters, man-made disasters)
Planning science (theories)
Transport, built environment and planning (air pollution, energy and development)
Built environment and urban health (Non-Commutable Diseases and urban living)
Urban architecture and people

Integrated design
Product design, merchandising and indoor health
Fashion design transformation
Graphic design

FARU 2017 will take place in Blue Waters, (20 Kms from Colombo and 6 Kms from the University) a five star resort hotel designed by renowned Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa.

Conference host
Faculty of Architecture Research Unit (FARU) of University of Moratuwa will be the main organizer of the conference.  National Science Foundation of the Ministry of Science and Technology will be the co-organizer of the conference.

Abstract submission
Please click on the “Abstract submission” on the conference website Follow instructions for submission on line. Alternatively, you can submit your abstract to

Abstracts of about 300 words are invited to be submitted for double – blind review. Do not include the author details with the abstract. Once the abstract is submitted through the Conference Management System and via e mail, an “Identification Number” will be allocated for each submission. Selected authors will be invited to submit a full paper for a further review.

Abstracts must be submitted by 20th July 2017.  

Full paper submission
Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper on line and via e mail on a given common format to be published in the conference proceedings with an ISBN number on the conference day. Fill the CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FROM when submitting your full paper on line via easychair and in addition e mail to

Keynote speaker
Professor Susan Roaf,
Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

University of Moratuwa       National Science Fondation of Sri Lanka                      

Dr. Upendra Rajapaksha
Director, Faculty of Architecture Research Unit (FARU)
Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design and Architectural Science
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Contact +94773466436 and +94112650534 and

Mr. AMS Attanayake
Technical & Administrative Coordinator, Faculty of Architecture Research Unit
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

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